Recommendations for strengthening Bill C-28, updating the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Publié par:
Fondation David Suzuki et partenaires
d'Environmental Defence,
Breast Cancer Action Quebec,
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment,
Canadian Environmental Law Association
On April 13, 2021, the federal government introduced Bill C-28, proposed updates to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. CEPA provides the legislative framework for federal action to protect human health and the environment from pollution and toxics, but the law has not been significantly amended for more than two decades. Sources of pollution and our scientific understanding of risks have changed considerably over this time. The David Suzuki Foundation and partners welcomed introduction of Bill C-28, which begins to address key issues identified in the House of Commons environment committee’s 2016-17 review of CEPA. It would also recognize for the first time in Canadian law the human right to a healthy environment.
However, several aspects of the bill need to be strengthened. This letter outlines our initial recommendations. We urge all parties to prioritize Bill C-28 for debate and to co-operate to enable its referral to committee for consideration of strengthening amendments as soon as possible.