COVID-19 Short and Mid-Term Economic Recovery Package Recommendations to Boost Employment While Accelerating Ecological Transition
Publié par:
Fondation David Suzuki
Écrit par:
Thomas Green,
Lisa Gue,
Michelle Molnar,
Jay Ritchlin,
Karel Mayrand,
Yannick Beaudoin,
Diego Creimer
This economic crisis presents a unique opportunity to reorient our economy toward a low carbon, resilient future. We don’t have to choose between recovery and the environment. We can get both faster by making smart decisions now.
The David Suzuki Foundation’s short and mid-term recommendations and ideas are aligned with the PanCanadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, can be channelled through federal programs and will position Canada well to exceed current 2030 emissions targets and meet biodiversity goals, and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. They identify opportunities to create many new jobs, in the most cost-effective way, in industries that are already on paths to reduce their environmental footprints or spearheading innovation in the clean-tech sector. Environmentally beneficial projects that fit the federal government’s direction are ready to go or could soon be scaled up throughout the country.
We have identified 8 areas with a high potential for creating local economic opportunities and jobs. When relevant. we also identify some of the existing government programs or funding mechanisms that may prove suitable for disbursing federal stimulus funding in a cost-effective manner while supporting climate commitments. Climate-friendly economic stimulus can also be channelled to local governments through increased allocations for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund and Municipalities for Climate Innovation program.